
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Read an interview with Laura Thomas, author of Wednesday's Child and Falling Gracefully #HistoricalFiction #WWII #Interview @LauraThomasWA


I am delighted to welcome Laura Thomas onto my blog today, for an interview! While you're here, check out her books – don't they sound amazing?!

Wednesday's Child

A captivating and moving story, set during the Second World War, portraying the extremely harsh living conditions endured by those on the home front. The story follows the life and loves of Violet, and some very tragic events that beset her young life. She lost her parents at a very young age and was taken in and brought up by an elderly neighbour. At age fourteen, she obtained work at a factory and forged some lifelong friendships, which played an important role in her future. Violet joined the army at the age of seventeen, where she was exposed to the many horrors of war on the beaches of Dunkirk. She married Stephen, a Regimental Sergeant Major in the army, but his many deployments to North Africa meant important family milestones were missed. His family supported Violet during his absence, but the question was, would he return from the war and would Violet finally find happiness?

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Falling Gracefully

Born into a life of wealth and privilege, Lady Rachel has it all. Everything except friends. When Rachel debuts at court, she is thrust into the heart of London society. Becoming an honorary member of the notorious Mitford family, and under their unconventional guidance, she learns what it is to have friends, and with the Prince of Wales as a friend, what could possibly go wrong?

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Writing Interview questions.

Why did you choose to write your book in this era?

I have always been fascinated by the second world war era, and grew up listening to the stories of my grandparents who both served during the war years. I decided to base the Violet on my grandmother, and lots of the adventures that she sets out on are influenced by he stories of my grandmother.

Did you find researching this era particularly difficult? What was the hardest thing to find out, and did you come across anything particularly surprising?

The hardest part of the research was making sure that the dates and campaigns all tied in, but I already had quite a broad knowledge of the era. On a personal level, researching these books led me on a journey of discovery, and in researching my grandmother’s family, who she knew nothing about, I have found family that I never knew existed. Unfortunately, neither did my grandmother.

Falling Gracefully is set in the 1930’s and was a bit more fun to research, especially as part of the book is set in Berlin.

In my upcoming book Turning Tides, the main focus was on life in American during the war years which I found very surprising, and very different to the life in 1940’s Britain.

Can you share something about the book that isn’t covered in the blurb? 

Not without giving too much away! The three books are intertwined, with each book focusing on a specific character, and each book gives a different perspective of the different events that occur along the way.

If you had to describe your protagonist(s), in three words, what would those three words be and why? 

Violet – Naïve, survivor, loveable
Violet is a very lovable, and her naiveness is endearing to those around her. She is a survivor from the start, enduring a very harsh and traumatic upbringing at the hands of her adopted grandmother. Violet finds her way in life with a little help from her loyal friends who are there to support her every step of the way.

Rachel – Loyal, adventurous, complicated
Rachel’s life is defined by events that take place in her early life, and the situations in which she finds herself. She is very loyal to the few friends that she finds herself surrounded by.

Ruth – Fun-loving, Happy, strong willed
Ruth is a survivor who loves life to the max. With the support and guidance of her trusted friend, Ruth makes her way through life, unstoppable in her quest to be loved.

What was the most challenging part about writing your book?

The hardest part of writing the books was ensuring that the facts correlate between the three, making sure that the timelines are correct and then the little details are all included.

Was there anything that you edited out of this book that would have drastically affected the story, should it be left in? 

No, although Rachel’s story in Falling Gracefully was ended short, to allow for another book. This book will explore more of Rachel during the war years and what she was getting up to when Ruth and Violet were not around! Watch this space!!!

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on an easy reading story set here in Wales, whilst finishing the final editing of Turning Tides. I am also researching the next instalment of Rachel’s story.

What would you tell an aspiring author who had some doubts about their writing abilities? 

Reading is a matter of perspective and taste, and even the most famous of authors have their critics. Have faith in yourself and your own abilities and most of all, enjoy what you do. Enjoy the process of writing without worrying too much about the end result.

Personal Interview questions.

What do you like to do when you are not writing? 

If the weather is nice then you will find me in the garden. Otherwise, I will be tucked up in bed, usually recovering from overdoing it!!

What did you want to be when you grew up? 

I always wanted to be an author from as young as I can remember, but a critic knocked my confidence in my work and my ability, and I took a completely different career path. Ill health forced me to stop working, and that is when I started writing again. Being ill sucks, but it gave me the opportunity to fulfil my dream and embrace my writing.

Whats for dinner tonight? What would you rather be eating? 

That all depends on what the husband is cooking, so probably an omelette, but that suits me fine as I have just demolished a chocolate orange!

What would be a perfect day? 

A hot day sitting in my garden with my husband and three children, or on a beach somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

What is the best part of your day?

Dinner time when everybody is home and we gather round to eat. To an outsider we look like a rowdy rabble about to incite a riot, but I wouldn’t swop the fun and laughter that we share for anything in the world.

Either or!

Tea or coffee: Coffee

Hot or cold: Definitely hot, then you will find me outside! Unless I have lots of writing to do then cold, so I can snuggle up in bed under the covers and lose myself in my writing.

Movie or book: Book

Morning person or Night owl: Erm… neither, I’m grumpy at both, although I function better in the morning!

City or country: Country

Social Media or book: Book, although social media can be very entertaining at times!

Paperback or ebook: Paperback every time.

I was born and raised in Manchester before completing a degree in Forensic Science at the Staffordshire University. I have spent the last fifteen years living in the South Wales valleys with my husband and three children. 

I have always had a passion for history, reading and writing, but it is only in recent years that I have found the confidence to release my work into the literary world. My writing journey began with a children’s book written with my daughter, but I found myself on a journey of discovery and progressed to write my first adult historical fiction.


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